WP4 Webinar in Saint-Martin


On the 4th and 5th march, Saint Martin held a webinar on R&I european funds. On the first day, general notions were introduced :

  • The general aspects of European funds ;
  • European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) ;
  • Operational programs ;
  • The presentation of the funding & tender portal

The second day was dedicated to understanding how to finance your R&I project within the framework programs.  As for the speakers : the general director from the EC (RTD) gave a detailed presentation on Horizon Europe (pillars, budget..) and new changes in this program such as European institutions which can become shareholders of the companies and open sciences with a better involvement of citizens and policies.

Moreover, the Forward project coordinator from the Government of the Canary Island presented the 8 Thematic Working Groups (TWG) of Forward Work package 3 based on Pillar 2 of Horizon Europe. He precised that all people taking part of TWG will be prepared for future Horizon Europe call for proposals.  Moreover, the coordinator shared the experiences of  ACIISI (the agency of GOBCAN) in FP programs (Macaronight, Athena, Aqua excel).