Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
After 3 years of collaboration between Outermost Regions, staff working on Forward project, exchanging in the Steering Committee, all 9 partners have confirmed their involvement by signing a document. It is a letter to support the Forward project expressing a common will of EU Outermost regions for the promotion of the “OR-izon Network”.
This letter involves the nine regional governments in this network for operational and governance perspectives.
The Forward consortium affirmed by this document the importance to continue the work done by them and their regional R&I ecosystems. Thus, the sustainability of the Forward legacy after its end is ensured.
The XXVI’s Presidents conference final declaration in the Azores on November 18th and 19th, 2021 has strengthen the continuation of the Forward project and capacities in the ORs to promote their assets for potential European collaboration.