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About Forward

Learn more about the Horizon 2020 Project FORWARD : “ Fostering research excellence in EU Outermost Regions”.


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map 9 outermost regions european union

The Forward Project


FORWARD is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme : Grant agreement ID 824550

Boosting Research Excellence & Innovation Capacity in Outermost Regions

Overall objectives :

  1. Improve ORs’ excellence in research and their innovation potential
  2. Improve their participation in EU research and innovation funded projects
  3. Link research activities with territorial development

Specific objectives:

  • To map outermost regions’ ecosystems in research and innovation to underline strengths, weaknesses and potentials for growth for each OR;
  • To identify actual and future fields of excellence and competitive advantages of the different regions and define emerging specialization areas for each OR and define ORs’ friendly topics in the future Framework Programmes;
  • To characterize and objective barriers to ORs participation in H2020;
  • To accompany the transformation and capacity building of each OR research and innovation ecosystem to better exploit these potentials, by improving their excellence and the mobilization of multiple kind of stakeholders (research organization, companies, public authorities and civil society organizations) through a quadruple helix approach;
  • To support the formulation of participatory and research-based action plans with long-term perspective;
  • To increase the regional, national, European and worldwide visibility and recognition of outermost regions research capacities and activities in their fields of specialization;
  • To encourage the constitution of critical research mass in ORs through networking, exchanges and consortia with regional, national, European and global research centers;
  • To design and experiment effective tools to overcome existing barriers and support the implication of ORs in Horizon 2020 and future framework;
  • To foster socio-economic development of the European ORs through the quadruple helix approach;

To foster ORs geographical integration within the European Union and towards Third Countries.


FORWARD is organized in three logical phases:

  • Regional diagnosis, comparative analysis and definition of local and joint strategies
  • Building of capacities through thematic working groups, training, networking, consortium building
  • Strengthening of the connection between research and policy making and ensuring sustainability and impacts of project results on a long term

FORWARD  is composed of eight workpackages:

Deliverables & documents

You will find here intermediary and final deliverables as well as relevant documents. Official deliverables (i.e. accepted by European Commission) will be tagged as “official”.

WP 1

Management & coordination

Final deliverables :

WP 3

Thematic actions plan

Final deliverables :

WP 4

Capacity building and training

Final deliverables :


Networking activities

Final deliverables

  • D5.1 Report of networking and brokerage events
  • D5.2  Report of the exchange of personnel
  • D5.3 Report of the R&I outcomes



Connecting research and policy making: next generation policy tools

Final deliverables

  • D6.1  Recommendations for future RIS3 strategies
  • D6.2 Guidelines and recommendations for future EU policies on ORs
  • D6.3 Sustainability Plan
  • D6.4 Report on events for policy-making


Monitoring, evaluation and performance

Final deliverables


Dissemination and communication


Here’s our 24 partners of the consortium :

logo gobierno de canarias


Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información – Gobierno de Canarias

ACIISII GOBCAN is the regional agency in charge of the support of the research in the archipelago of Canary

logo fundo regional para cienca tecnologica


Fundo regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia

FRCT is a public entity of the Azores Government with the mission to fund and promote R&D+I in Azores Region and to contribute to the internationalization of its Science and Technology System

logo arditi


Agencia Regional para o desenvolvimiento da investigacao tecnologia e inovacao- Associacao

ARDITI is the Agency for Research, Technological Development and Innovation of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, whose mission is to promote and support Research, Technological Development and Innovation

logo nexa


Agence Regionale de developpement d'investissement et d'innovation

NEXA is the Regional Agency for Development, Investment and Innovation. Its mission is to promotes and supports the island transition toward an ecological, competitive and open economy, notably through innovation. Nexa is in charge of the design and implementation of economic development and research-innovation policies (RIS3) as well as circular economy scheme.

logo collectivite territoriale martinique


Collectivité Territoriale de la Martinique

logo collectivite territoriale guyane


Collectivité Territoriale de Guyane

The regional government – Collectivité Territoriale de Guyane – has direct competences in key areas in the region, such as spatial planning, transport, economic development, professional training, research innovation, youth sport recreation, culture, environment, society and health.

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Conseil régional de la Guadeloupe

The Regional council of Guadeloupe manage the design and implementation of smart specialisation strategy. In this spirit, it promotes the setup of the network of OR on S3. Regional council of Guadeloupe is in charge of the Research and Innovation local policy and its implementation.

logo saint martin


Collectivité d'Outre-mer de Saint-Martin

logo departement mayotte


Department of Mayotte

The regional authority of Mayotte is the main player in the territorial development, its role is to stimulate economic growth by supporting business in different sectors, improve the attractiveness of the territory and firms’ competitiveness.

logo universidad de la laguna


Universidad de La Laguna

logo universidad las palmas gran canaria


Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

logo plataforma oceanica de canarias


Consorcio para el diseño, construcción, equipamiento y explotación de la Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias

logo instituto tecnologico de canarias


Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias

logo instituto astrofisica de canarias


Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias

logo universidade dos acores


Universidade dos Acores

logo cambra comercio industria acores


Câmara do Comércio e indústria dos Açores

logo universidade da madeira


Universidade da Madeira

logo universite de la reunion


Université de La Réunion

logo universite des antilles


Université des Antilles

University of Antilles is also partner in the FORWARD project, being located in the two territories of the French West Indies, Guadeloupe and Martinique.

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Université de Guyane

logo guyane developpement innovation


Guyane Développement Innovation

logo synergile


A cluster of 55 members, Synergile is dedicated to renewable energies, energy management and materials and constructions whose mission is to promote cooperation between business and research, boost future technologies, and support basic and applied research

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Chambre Consulaire Interprofessionnelle de Saint Martin

CCI Sant-Martin is an institution that combines the responsibilities of Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Trades and Crafts and Chamber of Agriculture

logo consulta europa


Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation

Advisory Board Members

Carlos Amaral.Photo

Carlos Eduardo Pacheco Amaral

Regional Director of European Affairs and External Cooperation in the XIII Regional Government of the Azores.

02-Photo Streitz (Madeira)

Dr. rer.nat. Dr. phil. Norbert A. Streitz

Scientific Director, Smart Future Initiative, Germany

03-Photo E.Nossin

Emmanuel Nossin

Pharmacist doctor

Esteban Pelayo 2019

Esteban Pelayo

Director at the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA)


Fabian Blanchard

Regional Delegate of the FrenchResearch Institute for exploitation of the Sea of (IFREMER) & Researcher in French Guiana

06-Photo Fahoullia MOHAMADI

Fahoullia Mohamadi

Entrepreneur & Researcher

07-Photo-M-Chouraki (Guadeloupe)

Jacques Chouraki

President of the company “Teranov” in Guadeloupe


Jean Raphael Gros-Desormeaux

Researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)


José Ignacio Gafo Fernández

Senior Board Advisor,

Former President, Transport and Energy Section. Comité Economique et Social de l’ Union Européenne.

10-Foto Mafalda Durado

Mafalda Durado

Director of International Promotion for Portuguese National Innovation Agency and Horizon 2020 National Coordinator.

Photo MJ GAUTHIER_2020_bis

Marie-José Gauthier

Senior Expert at the French National Center of Space Studies (CNES) for Economic development issues related to French Guiana

12-Photo Mohamed Issouf (Mayotte)

Mohamed Dakid Issouf

Teacher, engineer & researcher, Phd

13-Photo Pascale Chabanet2018

Dr. Pascale Chabanet

Researcher in Marine Sciences & Director of the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) in La Reunion

14-Foto Henrique Cabral

Prof. Henrique Cabral

MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, university of Lisbon.

15-Photo Sabrina RIVERE

Sabrina Rivere

Initiative Saint-Martin Entrepreneuriat