The Ponta Delgada Campus of the University of the Azores receives, from October 14 to 18, the 5th edition of the HoraProg@UAc.
The event takes place annually at the UAc, since 2015, is included in the European Commission’s initiative and is intended for students and teachers of all teaching cycles, including higher education.
In the previous edition, more than 1,200 students from 19 schools from four municipalities on São Miguel Island participated in the HoraProg@UAc.
Over the five days, seven workshops are prepared: AppInventor, Arduino, Python, Lego Mindstorm Robots, Blender, Networks and Communications and Scratch that take place in five sessions from 09:00 to 4:00 pm.
The organization of HoraProg@UAc 2019 is in charge of the Center for Research and Development in e-Health (NIDeS) and the UAc Informr’s Student Center (NESTI) and has the support of the Regional Government of the Azores, the Ponta Delgada City Council, GlobalEDA, CIVILA, ExpoLab, PROBOT and CerealGames.
The Regional Fund for Science and Technology (FRCT) and the National Agency for Innovation (ANI) holded, on October 7 and 8, 2019, a training action of Horizon 2020 called H2020Days@Açores, in NONAGON, Lagoa, in São Miguel island.
This workshop is promoted by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (GPPQ) with the aim of interactively discussing relevant aspects in the preparation of applications, as well as the new Horizon Europe Framework programme.
Bruno Pacheco, Regional Director of Science and Technology, sees this training action as “an opportunity to promote and increase the participation of the Azores in European financing programmes, in line with the objectives of the PERIN national network and the FORWARD European Project”.
This action is addressed in support structures and key regional stakeholders in the area of Research, Development and Innovation (R&D+i), which are participating in or developing proposals under this European funding framework.
It took place on October 25, 2019, in Azores (Terceira Island), the Technical Day for beneficiaries of projects approved in the second call of the INTERREG Territorial Cooperation Program V-A MAC 2014-2020, of which the Management Authority of the AZORES PO 2020 performs regional representation functions.
This session was opened by the Regional Director of Planning and Structural Funds of the Azorean Regional Government, Rui Amann, in representation of the host region, and had the participation of the coordinator of the Joint Secretariat of this program, Irene Ruiz.
Themes related to the functioning of the Programme were on the table, namely the contracting, implementation and monitoring phase regarding the second stage of the second call of the INTERREG Territorial Cooperation Program V-A MAC 2014-2020.
On 3 June 2015, the European Commission approved the new INTERREG V-A España-Portugal MAC Cooperation Programme (Madeira-Azores-Canarias) 2014-2020 with a budget of EUR 130 million (85% financed by the European Regional Development Fund-ERDF). On 17 October 2017, the EC approved an increase in the programme’s funding for these 3 RUP’s, a total budget of almost EUR 149 million (126’5 million ERDF). This program helps to reinforce the cooperation between Madeira, Açores and Canary Islands and gives a platform to build joint projects.
For further informations please check the presentations in
The GSTC 2019 Global Sustainable Tourism Conference “Navigating the Way Forward” that took place on December 4th-7th in Terceira Island, the Azores, brought together 250 delegates from 42 countries, along with hundreds of viewers that watched the live broadcasting of the conference.
The opening ceremony celebrated the Azores as the first archipelago to be certified as a sustainable destination by EarthCheck. “It is with great proud that today we can say that the Azores are certified as a sustainable tourist destination,” said Ms. Marta Guerreiro , Regional Secretary of Energy, Environment and Tourism (in the photo below). “We are the first and only archipelago in the world to have this certification. We are the only region in Portugal with this certification. It was 2 years of hard work, not always visible, and dedication to fulfill a commitment to certify the Azores as a sustainable tourist destination.”
The GSTC Annual Congress is one of the largest international events on sustainable development and brings together many countries at a time of sharing, debate and reflection, not only on this issue at international level, but especially at regional and national level and in this case, taking into account the certification process of the Azores as a Sustainable Tourist Destination, a distinction granted by the certification entity EarthCheck.
The Conference themes were: (A) Sustainable Destination Management; (B) Market Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Products; and (C) Tourism Response to Climate Change.
The Global Sustainable Tourism Council is an independent and neutral non-governmental organization that brings together United Nations agencies, NGOs, national and regional governments, DMCs, hotels, tour operators, people and communities striving to achieve sustainable tourism best practices.
The Ponta Delgada Campus of the University of the Azores receives, from October 14 to 18, the 5th edition of the HoraProg@UAc.
The event takes place annually at the UAc, since 2015, is included in the European Commission’s initiative and is intended for students and teachers of all teaching cycles, including higher education.
In the previous edition, more than 1,200 students from 19 schools from four municipalities on São Miguel Island participated in the HoraProg@UAc.
Over the five days, seven workshops are prepared: AppInventor, Arduino, Python, Lego Mindstorm Robots, Blender, Networks and Communications and Scratch that take place in five sessions from 09:00 to 4:00 pm.
The organization of HoraProg@UAc 2019 is in charge of the Center for Research and Development in e-Health (NIDeS) and the UAc Informr’s Student Center (NESTI) and has the support of the Regional Government of the Azores, the Ponta Delgada City Council, GlobalEDA, CIVILA, ExpoLab, PROBOT and CerealGames.
The Regional Fund for Science and Technology (FRCT) and the National Agency for Innovation (ANI) holded, on October 7 and 8, 2019, a training action of Horizon 2020 called H2020Days@Açores, in NONAGON, Lagoa, in São Miguel island.
This workshop is promoted by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (GPPQ) with the aim of interactively discussing relevant aspects in the preparation of applications, as well as the new Horizon Europe Framework programme.
Bruno Pacheco, Regional Director of Science and Technology, sees this training action as “an opportunity to promote and increase the participation of the Azores in European financing programmes, in line with the objectives of the PERIN national network and the FORWARD European Project”.
This action is addressed in support structures and key regional stakeholders in the area of Research, Development and Innovation (R&D+i), which are participating in or developing proposals under this European funding framework.
It took place on October 25, 2019, in Azores (Terceira Island), the Technical Day for beneficiaries of projects approved in the second call of the INTERREG Territorial Cooperation Program V-A MAC 2014-2020, of which the Management Authority of the AZORES PO 2020 performs regional representation functions.
This session was opened by the Regional Director of Planning and Structural Funds of the Azorean Regional Government, Rui Amann, in representation of the host region, and had the participation of the coordinator of the Joint Secretariat of this program, Irene Ruiz.
Themes related to the functioning of the Programme were on the table, namely the contracting, implementation and monitoring phase regarding the second stage of the second call of the INTERREG Territorial Cooperation Program V-A MAC 2014-2020.
On 3 June 2015, the European Commission approved the new INTERREG V-A España-Portugal MAC Cooperation Programme (Madeira-Azores-Canarias) 2014-2020 with a budget of EUR 130 million (85% financed by the European Regional Development Fund-ERDF). On 17 October 2017, the EC approved an increase in the programme’s funding for these 3 RUP’s, a total budget of almost EUR 149 million (126’5 million ERDF). This program helps to reinforce the cooperation between Madeira, Açores and Canary Islands and gives a platform to build joint projects.
For further informations please check the presentations in
From October 8 to 10th, the first mutual learning event of the FORWARD project took place in Brussels at the Canary Island Brussels Office, gathering 22 representative of the members of the project consortium from 8 European outermost regions (OR).
Organized under the workpackage 2 dedicated to the diagnostic of OR’s R&I ecosystems and participation in FP, this event aimed at sharing knowledge and experiences among OR on the major obstacles and levers that influence their participation in FP, and at drafting a common vision and roadmap for a joint strategy to increase the participation of ORs in Framework programmes.
The mutual learning event began with a presentation of the main results of a comparative analysis which was built on the diagnoses performed by each region according to a common methodology, designed as a replicable approach to assess regional participation in FP and analyse the main determinants identified by the literature (quality of the European networks, performance of the regional innovation system, R&I organizations characteristics and policies, individual determinants). Such analysis based on the data provided by partners and European sources (CORDIS and Eurostat) proposed a state of play of the participation of the outermost regions in FP, a comparison with other regions that share close characteristics and an analysis of the main determinants that influence the participation
The results of the mutual learning event will feed the final diagnosis of OR performance and the FORWARD joint strategy. These two documents will fit into the deliverable 2.2 which will be submitted in December 2019.
The First Day of the kick-off meeting was mainly dedicated to the presentation of the project partner institutions, the different work packages and to inform the consortium about the Grant and the Consortium Agreements and the Financial Management.
The Second Day was marked by the telematic greetings from the European Commission represented by Stefan Weirs the Project Officer. Later in the morning, Consulta Europa presented the Internal project management and reporting principles. Michelle Perello presented the management structure of the project, the monitoring plan and eligible costs… and participants agreed with next steps and deadlines for the consortium. The second day was closed with a workshop facilitated by NEXA to prepare the work that will be undertaken in WP2