Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
In several Outermost Regions, events have been organized by Forward partners targeting policy makers during 2020.
First of all, FRCT (Azores) presented the Forward project as well as WP2 results and regional diagnostic at the European Commissioner of Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas.
Moreover, regarding RIS3, their evaluation and workshop were organized by NEXA at La Réunion, Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique, ARDITI from Madeira, FRCT from Azores.
Various conferences were also held :
-Conference on digital mediation (funding sources, tools, strategy) by CTM ;
-Conference “H2020 and the next Horizon Europe framework program funding opportunities in the European Framework Programs for Research & Innovation by ARDITI and University of Madeira.
Additionally, an ERA ROAD MAP workshop at La Réunion mutualized with Forward Work Packages 2, 4 and 5 has been held with local State representative for R&I, Outermost Regions bureau, Economic and social council, university and researchers.
All these events aimed to sensitize decision-makers to the importance of the Forward project and Horizon Europe opportunities.