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Discover research and innovation in Outermost regions: Assets and challenges; Research and innovation communities; projects and research initiatives; infrastructures, events and news


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About Forward

Learn more about the Horizon 2020 Project FORWARD : “ Fostering research excellence in EU Outermost Regions”.


Contact our dedicated team for more information regarding R&I in Outermost Regions and sign up to our newsletter.


FORWARD Newsletter #5 – May 2022

NewsletterOrsProject news

The 5th and penultimate newsletter has been released in May 2022. The FORWARD project is about to come to an end after three and a half years, and the final actions underway confirm the interesting perspectives for the outermost regions (ORs), which are asserting their desire to be part of the R&I framework programs on a long-term basis.

The newsletter release provides updates on final networking & research mobilities, networking & capacity building actions, and policy making events organized by our partnership. One can find also more information on the post-FORWARD era and framework for establishing the OR-izon network to promote the continuation of close and long-term collaboration among all 9 ORs.

Last but not least, the newsletter provides updates about the project final international conference taking place in a hybrid format (online and in Brussels) on 2nd June 2022.

The newsletter can be accessed here. Have a good read!