Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
Canary Islands
French Guiana
La Reunion
This sixth newsletter closed all work achieved by partners since the beginning of the project in 2019. As a reminder, it is a three years project extended to june 2022 due to the Covid situation. Forward consortium intends to follow this huge work carried out by all nine outermost regions gathered for the first time to reinforce these territories in the European Research Area.
It enabled outermost stakeholders to exchange, draw actions plans and designed future long-lasting collaboration.
Forward consortium gathered around three main events organized at Brussels respectively on june 1st and 2nd ; the Steering Committee, the General Assembly and the finale Forward conference at Royal Library of Belgium. These meetings validated main Forward results. Concrete results have been relayed in the official press release published in this newsletter together with infographics and updated activities within workpackages 4, 5 and 6. All this work achieved is the keys findings of nine regional diagnosis led within Work package 2 which enabled to question research and innovation stakeholders about the law participation of ORs into European framework programs. You can discover a short video explaining the methodology.
Several events have also been organised by partners during this month; presentation of research projects to thematic working group of Marine sciences for sharing and networking led by ULPGC (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), Horizon Europe trainings in Guadeloupe, capacity building action in Azores “develop research and innovation proposals with impacts”, transversality in Science and Matching Researchers/Companies.
The willingness of all partners is strong regarding Forward new perspectives.
Their aim is to follow up and reinforce outermost regions officers collaboration. Indeed the nine local authorities involved by the signature of nine letters of support to OR-izon network, a strategic approach and opportunities with broader consortia.