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About Forward

Learn more about the Horizon 2020 Project FORWARD : “ Fostering research excellence in EU Outermost Regions”.


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Forward Project : How Does It Work ?

The overall objective of this project is to improve the OR excellence in research and innovation, but also to strengthen their participation in EU research and innovation funded projects, and link research activities with territorial development.

FORWARD is organized in three phases:

1. Regional diagnosis, comparative analysis and definition of local and joint strategies
2. Capacity building through thematic working groups, training, networking, consortium building
3. Strengthening of the connection between research and policy making and ensuring sustainability (and impacts) of project results on a long term

Forward is composed of eight work packages lead by each OR

1. Management and coordination (WP1) – Canary Islands,
2. Diagnosis of the R & D ecosystems of the ORs (WP2) – Reunion,
3. Co-creation and implementation of thematic action plans (WP3) – Canary Islands and Guadeloupe,
4. Capacity building and training activities (WP4) – Azores
5. Networking activities (WP5) – Canary Islands,
6. Connecting research and policy making: next generation policy tools (WP6) – Madeira
7. Monitoring, evaluation and performance (WP7) – Mayotte
8. Dissemination and communication (WP8) – French Guiana

An advisory board composed of experts contributing to project objectives

The Advisory Board (AB) is composed of a wide variety of members to cover the main dimensions of research excellence in the ORs :

  • Scientific/Technological contribution (for instance high level experts in a common research area identified by the project: Biodiversity, Energy, Blue Economy, Tourism, Health, Space Science, Agriculture, Natural risks and climate change, Social Innovation)
  • Lobbying at national or EU level (for Horizon Europe, for specific EU or national policies)
  • Connection with industry (Representatives from companies or Technological Platforms)

Other type of contribution (for instance: advance project visibility and raise awareness, liaise with end users,

Advisers for FORWARD have a relevant knowledge of the various geographical scales of the research ecosystems (from Regional to International). The categories are:

  • Regional/Macro-regional (for instance: Caribbean area)
  • National
  • EU (including European Commission, European Parliament, Committee of Regions)
  • International (policy makers or high-level experts from strategic Third Countries)

What is the role of the AB ?

The AB has to :
· Give critical reviews on the outcomes and impacts of the project
· Provide advises and recommendations on the activities carried out
· Disseminate information to the scientific community

The Steering Committee met online to assess the members of the Advisory Board proposed by the partners on two main criteria in order to ensure that the Advisory Board is relevant and homogenous. The main criteria for the final decision are:

  • RELEVANCE (check of relevance of the proposed members)
    • Have at least 5 scientific experts
    • Have at least 3 national experts (either at scientific or political level: for instance, a representative of National Contact Point or of National Ministry for Research and Innovation)
    • Have at least 2 EU representatives or experts able to lobby at EU level
    • Gender balance (50% of experts men and 50% of experts women)