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Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions

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About Forward

Learn more about the Horizon 2020 Project FORWARD : “ Fostering research excellence in EU Outermost Regions”.


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Editorial Newsletter #2 – April 2021

With this second newsletter, we will take a closer look at the Forward program with the implementation of the Thematic working groups actions to improve the participation of the Outermost Regions in Horizon Europe calls for projects.


Forward so far enabled to have some collaborative tools in each work package such as strategic documents (joint strategy for ORs, capacitation action plans, RIS3 methodology guide, online networking events (conferences, workshops).

WP3 Thematic Working Groups, the heart of Forward are aligned with pillar 2 of Horizon Europe program as well as the the common Smart Specialization Strategies from ORs.They form the basis of Forward in order to increase ORs capacitation. All Kick-off-Meeting of TWG3 launched during 2020 and at the beginning of 2021, actually gather experts from ORs, Europe to discuss and share  common OR issues.

Moreover, each TWGs is managed by a sub-coordinator, a Scientific expert based in an research organization in an OR. Each member communicates and shares their work, website, network in order to build future consortia.

Thematic Working Group facilitators provide support in terms of technical proposals, similar European projects granted, budget advices.

In other work packages such as WP4, Forward partners in their Region implemented referred capacitation activities based on the activities foreseen in a work document send by Work Package leader 4 (FRCT).

FRCT, planned some actions on short and medium term such as the organization of punctual meetings as well as well one-to-one meetings when required, with the WP4 Regional coordinators.

The WPL 4 will work in coordination with the TWG coordinators in order to follow up the progress of the Forward project capacitation actions.

Regarding networking, WP5 and WP6 were impacted the most by the health crisis due to travel restrictions.

  • Forward partners adapted and organized online events. Forward members voted for a 6 months extension of the project to increase opportunities for an effective physical networking actions.
  • A General Assembly within Work Package 1, has been organized on march 10th for official validation of the project extension and review some changes needed in the Grant Agreement. A Steering Committee Meeting is being organised every month, to monitor the project implementation and results, take decisions on relevant aspects and tackle any potential challenges.
  • The Project Monitoring Plan (D1.3), delivered at the beginning of the project, will be reviewed in the coming months to add, if applicable, relevant updates. The new version of the plan is supposed to be delivered by June 2021.