Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
Canary Islands
The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC, Spain) through the Research Group in Biodiversity and Conservation (BIOCON, IU-ECOAQUA), is keen to host a Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) fellow, and is currently encouraging submissions to the forthcoming H2020-MSCA-IF call.
The candidate is expected to undertake basic and applied research in marine foundation species (seagrasses, macroalgae such rhodoliths and others, corals, etc.). The candidate should bring strong analytical expertise to the group through varying techniques (molecular genetics, GIS-based tools, stable isotopes and food web markers, etc.). Collaborations with the group members are desirable, though the candidate may interact with whoever he/she considers suitable. Working languages are English and/or Spanish. Diving skills are desirable to undertake experimentation in the sea altogether research members of the group.
At the deadline for the submission of proposals (09/09/2020), researchers (*):