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About Forward

Learn more about the Horizon 2020 Project FORWARD : “ Fostering research excellence in EU Outermost Regions”.


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Ors Synergies, integration, participation

ORs synergies

The identification of R&I synergies between OR’s is the first step to identify a common vision under Forward. These synergies will be capitalized by :
– networks and partnerships based on sharing principles, which will allow to increase resources, human, financial and material as open access to equipment, infrastructures and investment.
– Increase synergies with European centers of excellence in order to address the needed solutions to the present and future global challenges.
– Forward WP3 which identifies the strategic R&I areas under the thematic working groups and under WP5 which established networking activities

ORs integration

The integration is a main point identified as the missing link to promote OR’s R&I ecosystem. Integration in networks is the condition to boost and increase their critical masses, in order to engage the OR’s R&I for a knowledge economy. Indeed, by strengthening the capabilities of the R&I human resources, as well as its infrastructures as it was proposed under the Forward WP4, with training and capacity building actions.


The participation in Framework programs such as H2020 and Horizon Europe to increase the circulation of ideas, stimulate collaborations, reach and promote the growth of critical masses. Engaging OR’s R&I ecosystem in FP and projects, also allow to increase a global visibility, reputation and capability. It is crucial to improve OR’s FP participation as the mean to achieve R&I development and valorization.

Next step for the Roadmap

For the first time, the ORs have access to information and created a technical project that allows to create a common vision that carries within, it’s an ambition for the nine ORs, for their R&I ecosystems.

This project gives to ORs the opportunity to implement actions and a common roadmap to fulfil this vision. This vision was the result of a process that will extend along the 36 months of the Forward’s project, but also aims at creating the foundation for actions that can sustain long after the timeline of this H2020 project. It’s essential to put into place a strategic regional plan that targets a mindset change. That will also generate good outcomes, such as the creation of Regional Contact Points and other influence structures. These structures should be implemented at OR’s level, targeting the decision makers and R&I stakeholders.