Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
Published 17.12.2019
La Reunion
| Public Project
Action 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy urges Member States to map and assess the state of ecosystems and their services in their national territory.
MOVE pilot project intends to involve policy makers, researchers and the civil society in the development of methodologies for mapping and assessing the state of ecosystems and their services in ORs and OCTs.
The project will start by assessing the state of the art of the MAES (Mapping and Assessing Ecosystem Services) exercise within the participating overseas regions, and by inventorying and motivating the human and material capacities present in each of them. In addition to producing a tangible contribution for the MAES exercise, this project aims to demonstrate the possibility and the added value of a bottom-up approach, involving and capacitating local actors.If successful, this project will allow testing and implementing the MAES methodology in different regions of the world, providing methodologies and good practice guidelines and contributing to a worldwide EU leadership in this area.