Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
Published 03.01.2020
The development of Multi-Use of ocean space is demand driven by the needs of users, and underpinned by legislative, environmental and socio-economic perspectives. The objectives of such a multi-use approach, and for the MUSES Project to research are: To ensure that activities/uses in the same and/or adjacent marine areas are compatible; To minimize the necessary infrastructures by offering multiple uses of installations, thus decreasing costs and avoiding dispersion of constructions that might affect the environment; To protect the environment and make best possible management of the marine resources; To promote spatial efficiency by organizing combined uses into “hubs” and keeping as much space as possible free for future purposes; To make best possible use of new technologies and innovations that could serve the previously mentioned objectives and contribute in cost, space and energy saving and in environment protection; To promote mutual understanding and cooperation, thus avoiding possible antagonisms, negative reactions and delays of investments and operation.