Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
Published 16.12.2019
SCREEN has defined a replicable systemic approach towards a transition to Circular Economy in EU regions within the context of the Smart Specialization Strategy, thus contributing to novel future eco-innovative and horizontal business models across different value chains.
Abstract of the project:
SCREEN aims at the definition of a replicable systemic approach towards a transition to Circular Economy in EU regions within the context of the Smart Specialization Strategy, through the identification and implementation of operational synergies between R&I investments from Horizon 2020 and the European Structural and Investment Funds, thus contributing to novel future eco-innovative and horizontal business models across different value chains.
The concept of the action is to develop a EU reference framework for establish operational synergies between Horizon 2020 and the European Structural and Investment Funds related to Circular Economy by:
-Sustaining the regional actors’ participation at Horizon 2020
-Encouraging the entrepreneurial initiatives based on Horizon 2020 project’s results
-Investigating the possibility of maximizing the Horizon 2020 investment through a “recovery”(fully or partial) of well
Regione Lazio, Italy | |