Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
La Reunion
Research centers or research group
The Plant Protection Platform (3P) is an experimental plant unit managed
by CIRAD, along with the founding partners (University of Reunion Island,
ANSES, FDGDON Reunion). It was launched in 2002 and today hosts :
scientists from CIRAD, University of Reunion Island (UMR PVBMT), and a
range of national and international research centres
the Plant Health Laboratory (ANSES), tropical pests and pathogens unit
the Plant Clinic (FDGDON Reunion) for diagnosing plant diseases for the
general public and farmers professional associations and private companies (e.g. FARRE, eRcane),
including two Reunion start-ups (VitroRun and eKoal).
The group combines resources and facilitates transfer of technology.
3P was awarded GIS-IBiSA national certification in 2009. Its activities are
part of an ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 quality approach.
3P works in 4 main areas :
The 3P platform has 1,500m2 of laboratories (NS2 and NS3 quarantine levels), 1500m2 of offices, 15 ha of trial plots (with 1,950m2 of insectproof shade houses and 2300m2 of NS1 and NS2 greenhouses). The NS2 laboratories include :
– a shared scientific space (automated preparation of growing mediums, waste decontamination by autoclaving and freeze-drying machines)
– a pathology and molecular genetics laboratory : molecular biology unit
(thermo-cyclers, Quantitative PCR, 16-capillary DNA sequencer, 1 highdensity DNA chip scanner, centrifuges, electrophoresis systems and DNA quantification system, tele-monitored -30°C freezers) microbiology centre (microbiology safety centre, incubators, Spiral seeder, secure -80°C freezers, bacterial growth monitoring equipment) mycology unit (PSM,
incubators, microscope, environmental chamber) temperature-regulated environmental chamber centre (6 rotoplans)
– a laboratory for terrestrial ecology and integrated pest management :
imaging unit (1 ultramacroscope and 1 Z-axis motorised microscope, 1 epi-fluorescence microscope, binocular and optical microscopes) ethology, electrophysiology and chemical ecology centre (gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, thermal desorber, electroantennography, electropenetrography, wind tunnel and olfactometers) insect-breeding unit under controlled conditions (7 incubators and 6 breeding rooms) conservation and micro-propagation unit for biological plant resources (3 cultivation chambers, 4 rotoplans, 2 chillers, cryopreservation equipment, seed-analysis equipment)
– An NS3-standard laboratory (3 rotoplans and 3 phytoplans)
– a document resource centre
“Agronomic Resources for Research” (RARe) “National Centre for Biodiversity Data” (PNDB) with the regional centre for Insects and Arachnids, SINP Reunion Regional Programme for Indian Ocean plants (PRPV) Arimnet2 Invaziles European Cooperation in Science and Technology CAMo Interactions, etc.
3P works in 4 main areas :
The 3P platform has 1,500m2 of laboratories (NS2 and NS3 quarantine levels), 1500m2 of offices, 15 ha of trial plots (with 1,950m2 of insectproof shade houses and 2300m2 of NS1 and NS2 greenhouses). The NS2 laboratories include :
– a shared scientific space (automated preparation of growing mediums, waste decontamination by autoclaving and freeze-drying machines)
– a pathology and molecular genetics laboratory : molecular biology unit
(thermo-cyclers, Quantitative PCR, 16-capillary DNA sequencer, 1 highdensity DNA chip scanner, centrifuges, electrophoresis systems and DNA quantification system, tele-monitored -30°C freezers) microbiology centre (microbiology safety centre, incubators, Spiral seeder, secure -80°C freezers, bacterial growth monitoring equipment) mycology unit (PSM,
incubators, microscope, environmental chamber) temperature-regulated environmental chamber centre (6 rotoplans)
– a laboratory for terrestrial ecology and integrated pest management :
imaging unit (1 ultramacroscope and 1 Z-axis motorised microscope, 1 epi-fluorescence microscope, binocular and optical microscopes) ethology, electrophysiology and chemical ecology centre (gas chromatography, mass spectrometry, thermal desorber, electroantennography, electropenetrography, wind tunnel and olfactometers) insect-breeding unit under controlled conditions (7 incubators and 6 breeding rooms) conservation and micro-propagation unit for biological plant resources (3 cultivation chambers, 4 rotoplans, 2 chillers, cryopreservation equipment, seed-analysis equipment)
– An NS3-standard laboratory (3 rotoplans and 3 phytoplans)
– a document resource centre
“Agronomic Resources for Research” (RARe) “National Centre for Biodiversity Data” (PNDB) with the regional centre for Insects and Arachnids, SINP Reunion Regional Programme for Indian Ocean plants (PRPV) Arimnet2 Invaziles European Cooperation in Science and Technology CAMo Interactions, etc.