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La Reunion

Research centers or research group

Joint research unit between the University of Reunion Island, CNRS, INSERM, IRD
Infectious Processes in Tropical Island Environments


Patrick MAVINGUI  | Director
University of Reunion Island 2 Rue Maxime Rivière 97490 Sainte-Clotilde
  • research domains

    Research activities on tropical infectious diseases in South West Indian Ocean
    islands. Activities focus on studying eco-systemic determinism in the transmission
    of infectious agents and physio-pathological consequences in human beings.

    • Dynamic of Island Infectious Systems ( DySIIs) : The team conducts
      research into profiling infectious agents and how they are carried by wild fauna,
      as well as vectors and the exploration of the phenomena of transgression of
      species barrier.
    • Infectious immunopathology in tropical areas (I2T) : investigations on the
      biology of pathogens and the mechanisms for the interaction with hosts to
      understand physiopathological effects.

    PIMIT promotes two transversal themes involving two key medical pathologies
    in the South West Indian Ocean : emerging arboviruses and a bacterium
    (leptospirosis), as well as developing detection tools and innovative therapies
    based on Reunion’s endemic biodiversity.

  • key research projects

    A Global Alliance For Zika Virus Control And Prevention
    Partners : EU H2020

    Eco-Health of leptospira endemic to the Indian Ocean : bacteria presenting a
    risk to human populations
    Partners : ERDF INTERREG

    Vectors and microbiota : a combination of harmful agents threatening the
    health of people in the Indian Ocean regions
    Partners : ERDF INTERREG

    Research excellence programme on the emerging Zika virus using innovative
    Partners : ERDF OP

    Study of links between the entire genome, genetic factors and immunological
    determinism in the continuing effects of the chikungunya virus
    Partner : ANR

  • Main scientific collaborations


    Regional Indian Ocean research network of over 20 institutions
    in 8 south-western Indian Ocean countries. ONE HEALTH OI seeks
    to improve the prevention and control of infectious diseases in
    animals and humans using a regional, integrated, inter-sectoral
    and interdisciplinary approach.

  • Main research facilities
    • Access to CYROI technological platform (Cyclotron Reunion
      Indian Ocean) support facilities
    • The 180 m2 PLATIN-OI support platform (Indian Ocean Infectology
      Platform) comprising three linked level-3 laboratories (virology
      laboratory, rodent facility, insectarium) connected to a doubledoor
      autoclave, and a level-2 insectarium for breeding insects.

    PIMIT’s permanent members operate PLATIN-OI. H. PASCALIS (IR, UR) is the scientific head of PLATIN-OI and also manages 3P. C.
    ATYAMÉ NTEN (MCU, UR/IRD) is in responsible for insectarium laboratories I2 and I3. M. ROCHE (MCU UR) is responsible for animal laboratory A3.

    PLATIN-OI is managed by the PIMIT research centre Director. PIMIT research work focuses on the heart of the south-western Indian Ocean area. Our aim is to provide regional partners with open access to the PLATIN-OI platform to conduct their experimental infection studies. PLATIN-OI is one of the few research centres in France where a complete infection life-cycle of an arbovirus can be reproduced using experimental infections.

Research activities on tropical infectious diseases in South West Indian Ocean
islands. Activities focus on studying eco-systemic determinism in the transmission
of infectious agents and physio-pathological consequences in human beings.

  • Dynamic of Island Infectious Systems ( DySIIs) : The team conducts
    research into profiling infectious agents and how they are carried by wild fauna,
    as well as vectors and the exploration of the phenomena of transgression of
    species barrier.
  • Infectious immunopathology in tropical areas (I2T) : investigations on the
    biology of pathogens and the mechanisms for the interaction with hosts to
    understand physiopathological effects.

PIMIT promotes two transversal themes involving two key medical pathologies
in the South West Indian Ocean : emerging arboviruses and a bacterium
(leptospirosis), as well as developing detection tools and innovative therapies
based on Reunion’s endemic biodiversity.

A Global Alliance For Zika Virus Control And Prevention
Partners : EU H2020

Eco-Health of leptospira endemic to the Indian Ocean : bacteria presenting a
risk to human populations

Vectors and microbiota : a combination of harmful agents threatening the
health of people in the Indian Ocean regions

Research excellence programme on the emerging Zika virus using innovative
Partners : ERDF OP

Study of links between the entire genome, genetic factors and immunological
determinism in the continuing effects of the chikungunya virus
Partner : ANR


Regional Indian Ocean research network of over 20 institutions
in 8 south-western Indian Ocean countries. ONE HEALTH OI seeks
to improve the prevention and control of infectious diseases in
animals and humans using a regional, integrated, inter-sectoral
and interdisciplinary approach.

  • Access to CYROI technological platform (Cyclotron Reunion
    Indian Ocean) support facilities
  • The 180 m2 PLATIN-OI support platform (Indian Ocean Infectology
    Platform) comprising three linked level-3 laboratories (virology
    laboratory, rodent facility, insectarium) connected to a doubledoor
    autoclave, and a level-2 insectarium for breeding insects.

PIMIT’s permanent members operate PLATIN-OI. H. PASCALIS (IR, UR) is the scientific head of PLATIN-OI and also manages 3P. C.
ATYAMÉ NTEN (MCU, UR/IRD) is in responsible for insectarium laboratories I2 and I3. M. ROCHE (MCU UR) is responsible for animal laboratory A3.

PLATIN-OI is managed by the PIMIT research centre Director. PIMIT research work focuses on the heart of the south-western Indian Ocean area. Our aim is to provide regional partners with open access to the PLATIN-OI platform to conduct their experimental infection studies. PLATIN-OI is one of the few research centres in France where a complete infection life-cycle of an arbovirus can be reproduced using experimental infections.

PhD students