Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
Marine sciences & technologies
Between 8th, 9th, and 10th November 2021, FORWARD partner ULPGC is holding a WP5 scientific webinar on blue innovations in the ORs. The event is promoted by the University Institute ECOAQUA and the Spanish Bank of Algae. The conference is being held physically at the Marine Scientific Park of ULPGC (Gran Canaria) and accessible open-access […]
Marine sciences & technologies
Canary IslandsAzoresMadeiraLa Reunion
In the framework of the European Maritime Day in My Country 2021 (#EMDinMyCountry), the REBECA, REBECA-CCT, and FORWARD projects organised an international workshop on blue bio-economy based on algae in the Macaronesia and EU outermost regions. The event was successful, with high-level interventions from a wide range of experts from Canary Islands, Azores, Cape Verde, […]