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Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions

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About Forward

Learn more about the Horizon 2020 Project FORWARD : “ Fostering research excellence in EU Outermost Regions”.


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The Co-creation of ORs joint strategy

The Forward project foresees the co-creation of a common strategy for the performance of the OR Research and Innovation ecosystem.

This strategy is the result of a mutual learning event at Brussels in 2019 with face-to-face meetings. It is also a bottom-up approach based on the diagnosis of the R&I ecosystems of the nine outermost regions carried out in the beginning of Forward.

It aims at presenting a common ambition, vision, and values to improve, promote and support the participation of OR’s R&I ecosystems to European framework program.

The ambition – support the transformation of the ORs to an economy based on knowledge and innovation and their integration to the ERA (European Research Area). The participation of ORs in European and international networks will reinforce their ecosystems of Research and Innovation through mobility of researchers, and promotion of scientific knowledges.

The vision – common objective to reach the excellence of ORs R&I ecosystems. Outermost regions are not “handicapped” to participate in the European framework programs as specified in Article 349 of the Treaty of Functioning of the European Union, but that of “differentiated” regions.

Despite their constraints and their heterogeneity, the ORs can bring added value to the Research and Innovation ecosystems in EUROPE. The improvement of their infrastructures, the qualification of their human resources and the integration into international networks are the keys.

The values – Common principles considering regional specificities.

Our territories have different levels of ripeness, political system and distinctive research and innovation ecosystems. Nevertheless, needs, common objectives and potential are a reality.

Given the conclusions of the WP2 diagnosis, three main values are identified within Forward project:

  • Synergies for an alignment between the ORs
  • Integration to the networks to higher the critical mass, the missing point to promote the Research and Innovation system
  • Participation to Horizon Europe or framework programs to increase the circulation of ideas, boost collaborations and grow the critical mass

Source : FRCT,  NEXA /WP2 TASK 2.5