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Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions

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About Forward

Learn more about the Horizon 2020 Project FORWARD : “ Fostering research excellence in EU Outermost Regions”.


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The Joint strategy a common vision

The Joint strategy : a common vision

A living document based on Forward WPs

The Regional Fund for Science and Technology (FRCT – Azores, Portugal) is responsible for the task “Co-creation of the Joint Strategy for OR’s R&I ecosystem performance. Indeed, this task is part of the Work Package 2 (WP2), dedicated to the “Diagnostic of OR’s R&I ecosystem”, led by NEXA (Reunion Island, France).

This document aims to “present a common vision, mission and values for the OR’s to improve, promote and support their R&I ecosystem in the participation of the EU Framework Program”. In a few words, the joint strategy is :

– an orientation roadmap, which needs to be understood as an iterative process,
– a living document that should be adapted and complemented along the project and be feed by the main four operational WorkPackage’s, namely:
• WP2 “Diagnostics of OR’s R&I ecosystem”
• WP3 “Co-creation and implementation of thematic action plans” ;
• WP4 “Capacity building and training activities” ;
• WP5 “Network activities” ;
• WP6 “Connecting research and policy making : next generation policy tools”.

The Mutual Learning Event between ORs, the first step

A consultation process that preceded the development of this document was the common exercises that took place during the Mutual Learning Event (MLE) in Brussels at the Regional European Week, 8th to 10th of October 2019. This MLE allowed validation by all partners, the mission, vision and values of the OR’s R&I and to define these orientations:

AMBITION – Inclusive growth through knowledge-based economy

The goal is to accompany the transformation of the OR’s toward a knowledge and innovation based economy to support an inclusive growth as expressed by the Memorandum of the Presidents. In this constructive process, Forward aims to increase our capacity to answer and manage framework-financing programs in the EU and improve OR’s position in the European Research Area (ERA). Also, the increasing of ORs participation at national and European level networks and initiatives will allow to achieve the improvement and empowerment of their R&I ecosystem, between others actions as free circulation of researchers, exchange and promotion of scientific knowledge and accessing technology.

VISION – Common goal to achieve excellence in the OR’s R&I ecosystem

ORs needs a clear vision to achieve goals together, namely by identifying specialization areas and stand out from the global competition, developing distinctive expertise’s and value proposition i.e. being recognized as resilience living labs.

The vision is the backbone of the project and a single, clear direction, fostering synergies between OR’s.

VALUES – Common principles respecting the regional specificities

Through the common vision that resulted from the WP2, three main values for OR’s R&I in forward project were identified:
• Synergies
• Integration
• Participation