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Update of WP3’s activities : what’s new?


Canary Islands

As a reminder, the activities of this WP started with the identification of the R&I thematic for the thematic working groups (TWG). The final 8 topics chosen were:

TWG1 Health, applied Medical Technologies, Diagnostics and Therapies.
TWG2 Social sciences and social innovation.
TWG3 Earth system, space & universe sciences.
TWG4 Information and Communications Technology.
TWG5 Climate change and Energy transition.
TWG6 Agriculture, applied life sciences, biotechnology, and bio-systems engineering.
TWG7 Biodiversity conservation and restoration.
TWG8 Marine sciences & technologies.

The second step was to define the structure then select the management team (with a sub coordinator; a deputy; and a facilitator from the FORWARD team).

The third step was to build 9 thematic action plans in order to improve ORs’ excellence in R&D.

Finally, the main outcomes are:
-3 submitted proposals (TWG1 and TWG8)
-Participation in HE brokerage events
-250 members registered