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in EU Outermost Regions

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WP3 Thematic Working Groups : experts of Outermost Regions build tools for long term cooperation

Focus on Marine Sciences : Road map, Inter-regional platform, Networking

Kick-off meeting are organized in all thematic working groups in order experts design an action plan. The first meeting in the field of Marine sciences held on February 5th .  Almudena Subcoordinator of TWG8, Eu Project manager at ULPG tells us about their methodology to manage this group composed of 36 active members :

“We ask members to provide 5-10 lines describing those “sub thematic topics” and its relevance for the scientific and socioeconomics of the  Outermost Regions contexts as first contributions for the Action Plan.

The TWG8 Promoter Team has been working till now on the 1st Draft of the Action Plan, that has been to WP3 leader.

The TWG8 2nd meeting will be organised before 30/03 to present the Action Plan to the members.

Implementation of relevant tools

Members think about a Marine Roadmap with extensive participation of ORs members leading towards a Marine Sciences and Technologies Action Plan: prioritize specific research areas and create specific sub-groups. Moreover, the development of an Inter-regional platform could foster research collaboration with Experts from ORs, other European regions and Third Countries’ Institutions with a common research domain.

The team discussed about other useful tools :

– Create a list of key institutions at OR and EU level in the area of Marine Science and Technologies.

– Identify External Networking Events of interest organised at regional, national or at EU level, promoting among the members their active participation

– Promote TWG Networking Activities by organisating webinars to present a selection of successful projects in which TWG8 members have taken part for example WP5 Networking event ; a workshop FORWARD ULPGC “Blue Growth and Sustainable Exploitation of Marine Resources from the Ecosystem Approach”.



Increase ORs integration into the European Research Area

The team agree to carry out the following actions :

– Increase both the number of European projects submitted and finance in the ORs, and the promotion of a deeper integration of ORs scientists into the ERA such as Identification of calls and topics of interest for the TWG8 on Horizon Europe Programme, LIFE, DGs, etc. It includes also identification of active partners looking for leading a consortium or to join to a consortium in forthcoming calls and funding opportunities.

– Participate to training activities designed in the Forward Capacity Builiding Plan: Identification and organization of training courses, webinars and/or infodays of interest (writing proposals, reporting and audits, ERC/MSCA calls, COST Actions, etc.)

– Promote specific European call for ORs where high relevant research groups can be integrated within local consortiums in specific Marine Sciences & Technologies topics

– Elaborate a position paper analysing the needs for the promotion of specific European call for ORs



Perspective of long term cooperation

The development of an Inter-regional platform is a useful step to foster research collaboration with Experts from ORs, other European regions and Third Countries’ Institutions with a common research domain : the marine realm.