Within the framework of FORWARD’s WP4, the IAC and the ULPGC hosted two online seminars focused on the financial aspects of Horizon Europe on April 20th and 21st.
These sessions will be given by CET Auditores, a renowned company with extensive experience in Horizon Europe. The session on the 20th was aimed at project management staff and the one on the 21st at research staff.
The second training organized by our partner Synergîles and LGI CONSULTING, with the support of WP3 TWG sub-coordinators, took place on April 13th, 2022 on “Widening the participation and strength of the European Research Area” an opportunity for the ORs.
The overall program for this training is as follows:
- History of European Framework Programs
- Expectations of the European Commission
- Description of Pillar IV and associated programs
- Integration of Pillar IV with other programs (MSCA, etc.)
- Advice for setting up a Pillar IV project (testimonial)
- Feedback from Mr Paulo BORGES, Professor of Ecology at the University of the Azores and sub-coordinator of thematic group 7 of Forward on biodiversity; Mr. Ricardo Haroun, Researcher at the University of the Canary Islands and sub-coordinator of thematic working group 8 on marine sciences and technologies
On 8th March 2022, ACIISI-GOBCAN has organised a WP4 capacity building event funded by FORWARD and co-organised with the Spanish National Contact Point. The workshop was focused on funding and collaboration opportunities for the public-private sector and support of R&D&I in businesses of the Canary Islands.
The replay is also available here :
The final conference of the Forward program will take place on June 1st and 2nd. This conference is linked to the European Green Week scheduled on May 30th and 31st. The Forward consortium is also a partner of this event.
There are several highlights on June 1st and 2nd and June 3rd :
1 – The Steering Committee meeting, which will focus on the end of the program in June 2022 and the post-Forward perspectives.
2 – The General Assembly and the Advisory Board meeting during which the following will be presented
– The representatives of the OR Monitoring Committee and the project coordinator (Government of the Canary Islands)
– The results of all the work packages, especially the one related to dissemination and communication for which the Community is responsible.
– The results of the diagnosis of research and innovation ecosystems in the ORs
– The results of the thematic groups set up for joint OR action plans
– A round table with OR experts on the green transition
– The post-Forward perspectives and the OR-izon network
In the scope of the WP3, and to valorize research and innovation in the ORs, short interviews were made by researchers to present their work. Researchers for all nine ORs were mobilized to carry out this action.
Learn more on our You tube channel
forward-h2020 you tube :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjEK3vdRwAjaFSSqzF0vgbw
Our WP3 Thematic Working Group (TWG) 8 on Marine Sciences & Technologies has organized a 2nd session of successful projects and networking among their TWG members.
The event has been held online on 8th March 2022, counting on the intervention of high-level speakers from different R&I centres from Spain and France.
From March 28th to 30th, the first congress of the Cosmetopeia was held.
Indeed, the French Agricultural Research Center for International development and our Forward partners Guyane Développement Innovation and Collectivité Territoriale de Guyane organized the congress entitled:
“Trees and other plants of the Cosmetopeia: perspectives of innovation and valorization of the sectors in Overseas France” in French Guiana, a hybrid event (physically and online).
In the scope of WP5, on March 29th, a dedicated session to the FORWARD project, took place, with presentations made by the FORWARD team about the project, and perspectives of collaboration between outermost regions.
The participants were from overseas territories and departments such as Reunion Island, Polynesia, New Caledonia, Mayotte, Madagascar, Martinique, Guadeloupe, France and from other geographical areas.
80 to 150 people assisted physically to this session.
Members of the FORWARD consortium from the Canary Islands gathered at Valencia on April 5th at an event hosted by the CDTI-SOST Brussels exclusively for project managers and on April 6th at the new horizon for Europe, 11th conference of the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation in Spain. This conference, organised by the CDTI (Spanish NCP) had a wider view on the programme to analyse the performance of the Horizon Europe programme in Spain during its first year, as well as information on the latest news and updates on the programme.
As part of the FORWARD project, on May 3, 2022, the Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique (CTM) is organizing a symposium on Food Security.
Faced with the consequences of climate change and the erosion of biodiversity, a crucial issue is to develop and promote the transition towards sustainable agricultural systems, which at the same time respond to environmental, economic and social challenges in order to ensure the security food for present and future generations.
The objectives of the seminar are to :
-Seek territorial anchoring which seeks to re-establish the link between agriculture and society, in particular by promoting local and quality supply, and makes it possible to support the jobs they represent throughout the territory;
-Stimulate a new impetus in favor of research for sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition.
This seminar aims local stakeholders in the research and innovation ecosystem and will be translated into English.
The seminar will take place physically at the CTM and will also be broadcast online.