Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
La Reunion
Canary Islands
French Guiana
Through WP2 activities, each outermost region performed a 360° diagnosis to understand and improve their participation in frameworks programmes and also increase their research and innovation capacities, through a regional action plan and also a joint strategy.
At the very begining of the Forward project, the consortium co-designed with the help of Nexa an original and science-based methodology (refer to article ” FORWARD project : why another diagnosis ?”) to analyze Outermost Regions’ participation in the Framework programmes and identify the barriers and levers to improve their respective situation.
Thereafter, during 9 months, the 9 regional communities were mobilised to establish a factual state of play of the participation in FP and to complete a thorough analysis of the 4 factors which prevent them to fully take part to the European Research and Innovation Area :
Based on this analysis, each region built its territorial diagnosis and action plan to increase FP Participation in the next programmation period.
9 regional diagnosis and a comparative analysis
As a result, the diagnosis has shown that:
9 regional roadmaps and a OR joint strategy
Each region also elaborated a regional roadmap with their stakeholders focusing on the most urgent and powerful levers to activate in order to increase strongly and in a sustainable way their participation in the European framework programmes.
During a mutual learning event in Brussels, the nine regions met in order to identify the potential of synergies between regions and build a joint strategy based on :
The nine detailed diagnoses including regional roadmaps and the joint strategy are available here .
From WP2 data to the OR webplatform and Forward open dashboards
To achieve WP2 diagnoses, regions have produced a large amount of data. These data have been used by Nexa to build very useful tools to increase ORs’ visibility and recognition :
– the OR plateforme :
– and 2 open-data dashboards on
More to follow here : the Forward open dashboards
Authors : Philippe Holstein & Evelyne Tarnus, Nexa