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About Forward

Learn more about the Horizon 2020 Project FORWARD : “ Fostering research excellence in EU Outermost Regions”.


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Research and Innovation performance in ORs

La Reunion


Canary Islands

French Guiana






For the first time, thanks to the Forward project, Outermost Regions (ORs)s enjoy factual information to support the public actions to improve their participation in the European Research and Innovation Area through two open-data dashboards.

While a large number of discourses point out the weak participation of ORs in framework programmes projects and inherent structural difficulties, their actual implication in the programmes as well as their Research and Innovation performance remain poorly adressed in the scientific litterature.

Yet factual analysis is crucial to avoid determinist and homogeneizing approaches and policies, which neglect the ongoing realizations and exceptional potential and turn a blind eye at the diversity of Outermost Regions’s situation.

Thanks to the Forward project, ORs and their partners now have access to open data regarding their Research and Innovation performance as well as their FP participation. These dashboards were built by Nexa with the data from the WP2 diagnoses performed in each region and also from other official sources, such as Eurostat.

Research and Innovation dashboard

The Research and Innovation dashboard displays 24 indicators such as GDP growth rate, patent applications (EU), percentage of tertiary education, number of foreign pHD students and post docs, net EU contribution from FP participation, for each of the nine ORs and from 2007 to 2019. These data are available for download to allow users to re-use them.

  • R&I indicators :!/vizhome/ORRIDashboard/History

Framework programmes participation dashboard

The Framework programmes dashboard describes the participation of OR in the 7th and 8th European framework programme for Research and Innovation (FP7 and Horizon 2020 respectively). The dashboard provides data on the participation per OR, per period, per instruments (Reasearch and Innovation actions, Innovation actions, Coordination and support actions, Marie-Curie actions, etc.), per roles (coordinators, participant, third parties). It also allows comparison between ORs but also with EU NUTS2 region averages.

  • FP participation :!/vizhome/ORFPDashboard/Home

More to follow here :  WP2 outcomes

Authors : Philippe Holstein & Evelyne Tarnus, Nexa