FORWARD WP5 webinar: Blue Innovations in the ORs

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Between 8th, 9th, and 10th November 2021, FORWARD partner ULPGC is holding a WP5 scientific webinar on blue innovations in the ORs. The event is promoted by the University Institute ECOAQUA and the Spanish Bank of Algae.

The conference is being held physically at the Marine Scientific Park of ULPGC (Gran Canaria) and accessible open-access via the university YouTube channel here.

Our project coordinator Dr. Javier Roo, ACIISI is also present as one of the invited speakers. He will make a presentation on aquaculture, titled ‘Diversification of aquaculture species in Outermost Regions: Case study of Amberjacks’.

Previous interesting presentations have been for instance:

  • ‘Aquaponics and Circular Economy’ by the representative of the Interreg MAC project ISLANDAP Lidia Robaina; and
  • ‘New Trends in Microalgae Production: From the Lab to the Industry’ by Dr. Juan Luis Gómez Pinchetti.

You can re-watch all sessions at this link.