FORWARD’s third and final conference in Brussels
The final conference of the Forward program will take place on June 1st and 2nd. This conference is linked to the European Green Week scheduled on May 30th and 31st. The Forward consortium is also a partner of this event.
There are several highlights on June 1st and 2nd and June 3rd :
1 – The Steering Committee meeting, which will focus on the end of the program in June 2022 and the post-Forward perspectives.
2 – The General Assembly and the Advisory Board meeting during which the following will be presented
– The representatives of the OR Monitoring Committee and the project coordinator (Government of the Canary Islands)
– The results of all the work packages, especially the one related to dissemination and communication for which the Community is responsible.
– The results of the diagnosis of research and innovation ecosystems in the ORs
– The results of the thematic groups set up for joint OR action plans
– A round table with OR experts on the green transition
– The post-Forward perspectives and the OR-izon network