Horizon Europe training in La Réunion

%18 %167 %2021

Within the FORWARD project the regional Agency for Development, Innovation and Investment of La Reunion (NEXA) organised a live e-course on how to exploit Horizon Europe as a beginner.

The course shared good practices and a new vision on European programmes.

Nikolaos Floratos, a trainer active in European training industry for more than 20 years, shared his knowledge with the participants in 2 steps:

  1. Start thinking and acting like a champion in Horizon Europe;
  2. Master public information related to Horizon Europe to your advantage.

The webinar welcomed more than 35 participants from all the Outermost regions and partners of the FORWARD project. Participants are now being contacted by Nexa’s Europe Office Team* to turn the acquired knowledge into actions!


*Nexa’s Europe Office is a regional mutualized support programme which connects regional stakeholders with the most dynamics Research & Innovation networks at EU level. To do so, the team of 3 people specialized in European projects:

  • Coach and train researchers and entrepreneurs to get the habits of the best;
  • Help the Research&Innovation organizations to design their institutional strategy for Europe;
  • Develop marketing and lobbying activities to increase the reputation of the regional Research and Innovation Ecosystem in the RIS3 domains;
  • Develop strategic partnerships at political level to include Outermost region Research issues in the work programmes or in EU partnerships;
  • Support the building of competitive projects from the identification of calls and the partner search step till the submission and negotiation.
