Horizon Europe Training in Madeira

%25 %749 %2021 • %28 %749 %2021

Within the FORWARD project, the Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology and Innovation and the University of Madeira organise a face-to-face training programme on Horizon Europe (HE) in Madeira.

The training programme is composed of multiple capcity building sessions, taking place from 25th until 28th May.

  • 25th: Training for first-time participants in EU-funded projects
  • 26th: Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions
  • 27th: Widening funding opportunities
  • 28th: HE Pillar III with a focus on private organisations & SMEs

The training course will be presential, with overall 20 participants per session.

Key results of the event will be shared soon. Stay tuned!
