Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions
Published 11.12.2019
| Public Project
The ERA-NET COFUND on the Blue Bioeconomy – Unlocking the Potential of Aquatic Bioresources (BlueBio) is designed to support public-public partnerships between Member States and associated countries for the implementation and coordination of networking activities. BlueBio launches calls for proposals in accordance with the JPI Oceans Operational Plan and tackles common priorities as described by the ERA-NET. BlueBio aims to:
Using biotechnology and ICT to develop smart, efficient, traceable food systems and create synergies between aquaculture and fisheries (genetic assessment and digitalisation);
Unlock the potential of microbiomes to support growth in aquaculture, fisheries, and food processing and biotechnology
Apply the latest developments in ICT (IoT, machine learning, big data) to the Blue Bioeconomy
Developing innovative uses of underutilized and waste material from fisheries and aquaculture to achieve zero waste.