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Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions

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Discover research and innovation in Outermost regions: Assets and challenges; Research and innovation communities; projects and research initiatives; infrastructures, events and news


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About Forward

Learn more about the Horizon 2020 Project FORWARD : “ Fostering research excellence in EU Outermost Regions”.


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Research & innovation of EU’s outermost regions


Discover a Region, its research and innovation community, projects, events and news.

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Discover Outermost regions activities in R&I thematics. Access OR research capacities, projects and stakeholders and understand challenges and OR's added value in this field.

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Mapping R&I capabilities at ORs

Discover the ecosystems of the outermost regions in research and innovation and their fields of excellence

OR Research and Innovation in a few numbers




Presentation of the ORs

Integral part of the Union, the Outermost Regions have unique potential and assets which can benefit the Union. They provide a European presence in strategic areas of the world, and have exceptional geographical and geological characteristics which make them useful laboratories for research and innovation in scientific domains relevant of the future such as biodiversity, terrestrial and marine ecosystems, pharmacology, renewable energies, and the space sciences.