Training 4. Management of a European project and the new expectations of the European Commission

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Enhancing the participation of the Outermost Regions in European Union funding with FORWARD
Thematic Working Groups subcoordinators’ experience

A set of 5 training looks for creating more awareness of the different tools the European Union (EU) provides for promoting the Research and the Innovation ecosystem among the 9 Outermost Regions (Ors). Synergiles, from Guadeloupe Region, and FORWARD project consortium kindly welcome the potential beneficiaries of these trainings: Research and Innovation experts, future project leaders, research organizations, VSEs (very small enterprises) and SMEs (small and medium enterprises).

The trainings will be delivered in French and translated into English.

Training 4. Management of a European project and the new expectations of the European Commission (equality between men and women, FAIR protocol for data, Communication and promotion of the results of European projects). May 20, 2022

Registration link:


Training 5. International collaborations (networks, management, opportunities, ORs). Know how to create and maintain your network. June 13 & 15, 2022