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Guadeloupe is a French outermost region located in the Caribbean. An archipelago of 1 700km², with average 390 000 inhabitants, It is at the heart of the Caribbean. One of the hot spot of biodiversity, it benefits from a tropical climat. Its EEZ is around 95 000 km².

Main economic sectors are tourism and services. Meanwhile, sugar cane and banana, oldest agriculture activities, are still shaping the landscape of the island.

Guadeloupe in a few numbers


FORWARD project manager


Presentation of Guadeloupe

Guadeloupe is part of France, as other mainland French region.

The regional council of Guadeloupe is in charge of territory planning, economic development, including (research and innovation), training (long life training, high school,…). It’s also dealing all issues linked to environment, transportation and culture.

Regional council of Guadeloupe is the managing authority of operational programme ERDF and ESF, as well as Interreg Caribbean programme.

In 2019, Regional council became a member of OECS (Organisation of the eastern Caribbean states). Regional council is also an associated member of ACS (Association of Caribbean states).

Demographic information

Guadeloupe population is getting older.

Indeed, by 2030, Guadeloupe should be the 3rd oldest region of France, after Martinique.

Economic information

GDP(M€ ) : 9 100 (20I7, EDOM)

Household consumption (M€) : 5 461 (20I7, EDOM)

Unemployement rate (%): 22,4 (20I7, EDOM)

Research and innovation

As other European region, Guadeloupe has a RIS-S3. It is organised around 3 strategic domains of activities:

  • Valorization of diversity of island resources
  • Risk Management and Prevention in Caribbean area
  • promotion of Creative Industries

All activities linked to ICT are addressed in a transversal way along these 3 SDA.

Each SDA is addressing some key issues and aims at fostering some innovative economic sectors and supporting some fields of research.

Valorisation of diversity of island resources :

  • key words : renewable energies, energy consumption, holistic approach;
  • main aims :
    • Diversifier les gisements d’énergies renouvelables ;
    • Manage energy consumption (habitat, transportation) ;
    • Foster smart grids ;
    • Support sustainable agriculture, fostering local products ;
    • Improve crops to be more resilience facing climate change constraint and to better satisfy consumers’ expectations ;
    • Identify and valorize molecules of high interest to produce energy, to be used as sustainable bio-sourced raw material or to restore damaging ecosystem, for health purpose and cosmetic ones, … ;
    • Restore fragile natural areas, like natural barriers to natural disasters ;
    • Support alternative raw material in the spirit of circular economy or for a niche market and in order to optimize energy consumption

Risk Management and Prevention in Caribbean area

  • key words : geo climatic risks, Human, animal and plant health risks, risk mitigation;
  • main aims :
    • Increase knowledge on geo climatic risks ;
    • Adapt territory planning design to alter natural disasters impacts ;
    • Improve risk prevention policy and its implementation ;
    • Promote remediation technologies linked to polluted environment;
    • Improve patient health care tools and means  ;
    • Improve patient autonomy;
    • Promote technical solutions to prevent and alter invasive species spreading ;
    • Strengthen surveillance, early warning (alert) and management systems for emerging diseases (animal, plant and human).

Promotion of Creative Industries

  • key words : intangible heritage, territory identity, user design;
  • main aims :
    • bring more added value to innovative products and services linked to the topics addressed in the other SDA ;
    • Improve innovation uptakes in other economic sectors like culture, arts and tourism ;
    • Reinforce Guadeloupe stakeholders ability to differentiate their activities ;
    • Enhance creativity to bring out innovative projects.

Guadeloupe hosts a university located both in Guadeloupe and Martinique. National research centers like INRA (the oldest research center of Guadeloupe, installed since 1949). Indeed, CIRAD, BRGM, IPGP have office in Guadeloupe. Pasteur Institute of Guadeloupe also does. In health sector, Guadeloupe a research unit from INSERM and a university hospital center. These research centers and the university host several open research platforms like gene banks, P3 laboratory, material characterization platform, …

In the field of innovation, several facilities and organizations stimulate innovation and ease research results uptake by SME. Indeed, Synergile Cluster in the field of renewable energies, circular economy and raw material adapted to island tropical climate bridges research actors with SME to foster innovative projects. Meanwhile, Guadeloupe Tech gathers ICT companies to stimulate digitalization of the economy as well as new innovative services. The Maritime cluster also mobilizes its members to show of the whole potential of blue economy.

The business nursery “Audacia” hosts innovative companies in a 3 years residency programme.

Apart from the research platform, BEPOSDOM offers technics, services to foster research, to train students and workers, to stimulate innovation in the field of energy consumption in habitat and building energy consumption efficiency