Possibilities for the participation of Canarian entities in Horizon Europe

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The Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge and Employment, through the Canary Islands Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society (ACIISI), has opened the registration to participate in the virtual meeting “Possibilities for the participation of Canary Islands entities in Horizon Europe”.

This virtual event, jointly organised by the Canary Islands Agency for Research, Innovation and the Information Society (ACIISI) and the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), will take place on 15 March at 10:00 (GMT) and will be held in Spanish.

The R&D&I ecosystem of the Canary Islands is convened with the aim of promoting the development of projects eligible for European funding, boosting the research, development and innovation sector with a view to the 2021-2027 European scenario and encouraging the participation of Canary Islands companies and entities in the Horizon Europe framework programme.

Registration form: https://forms.gle/dkbFxMr9skBV3WoX6

Virtual event