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Fostering research excellence
in EU Outermost Regions

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News about research and innovation in Outermost Regions

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27/04/22 • 29/04/22

Scientific workshop and networking event on ICTs and its applications in R&I

Information & communications technology

Canary Islands

In the framework of the FORWARD project, from 27th until 29th April 2022, partners from Canary Islands are organising a workshop on Communication and Information Technologies (ICTs) and its application in Research & Innovation. The workshop pretends to address how ICTs are involved in the latest research activities and innovation in the field of Marine […]

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Capacity building on Widening programme for Canary Islands

Canary Islands

The FORWARD Coordinator Agencia Canaria De Investigación Innovación Y Sociedad De La Información (ACIISI-GOBCAN) and the partner Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias (PLOCAN) are co-organising a WP4 capacity building event with the support of the Spanish National Contact Point (NCP). The training is free and will be provided on 25th April 2022 in a hybrid format, […]


FORWARD training on Widening programme organised in Canary Islands on 25th April

Canary Islands

Today, on 25th April, the FORWARD Coordinator Agencia Canaria De Investigación Innovación Y Sociedad De La Información (ACIISI-GOBCAN) and the partner Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias (PLOCAN) have implemented a FORWARD WP4 capacity building event action, aimed to explore opportunities offered under Widening in the new Horizon Europe framework programme. The training was provided in a […]

20/04/22 • 21/04/22

Capacity building training on Horizon Europe in Canary Islands

Canary Islands

Within the framework of FORWARD’s WP4, the IAC and the ULPGC have organized two online seminars focused on the financial aspects of Horizon Europe to be held on April 20 and 21. These sessions will be given by CET Auditores, a renowned company with extensive experience in Horizon Europe. The session on the 20th is […]

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Synergile’s 2nd training on EU funding programmes


The next training organised by our partner Synergile, with the support of WP3 TWG sub-coordinators, will take place on April 13, 2022 at 14:00 CET on “widening the participation and strength of the European Research Area” an opportunity for the ORs. The overall programme for this training is as follows: History of European Framework Programs Expectations of […]


Canary Islands FORWARD consortium meets in Valencia to exchange experiences around European projects management

Canary Islands

FORWARD consortium on the Canary Islands gathered at Valencia last 5th of April at an event hosted by the CDTI-SOST Brussels exclusively for project managers. The Canary Islands Institute of Technology, the University of La Laguna, the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the Astrophysics Institute of the Canary Islands and the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands attended the activity representing the FORWARD team for the Archipelago.


Desalination for Environment Conference

Marine sciences & technologies

Canary Islands

Organised by the DESAL+ project, the Desalination for the Environment Conference will take place on 20-23 June 2022 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. The conference will be devoted to advances towards providing fresh water for all, at affordable cost and at economical energy requirements. The most recent developments in desalination technologies will be […]


Forward Newsletter #4 – March 2022

A new release of our project newsletter has been published in March 2022. This release provides updates on latest networking & research mobilities, capacity building, and policy making events organized by our partnership. You can find also more information on WP3 Thematic Working Groups’ activities and action plans. Finally, you will find an interesting article on the […]

28/03/22 • 30/03/22

The FORWARD project at Cosmetopeia congress – March 29th 2022

French Guiana

The French Agricultural Research Center for International development and our Forward partners Guyane Développement Innovation and Collectivité Territorial de Guyane are organizing a congress entitled : “Trees and other plants of the Cosmetopeia: perspectives of innovation and valorization of the sectors in Overseas France” which will take place in French Guiana from March 28th to 30th, 2022, it will […]

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