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Published 18.12.2019



Entrepreneurship development and capacity building policies for business creation and growth in Outermost Regions

La Reunion

Canary Islands

Entrepreneurship developmentRegional policies

GROW RUP supports the creation and growth of innovative companies in the field of green and blue economy in the Outermost Regions.

abstract of the project:

The GROW RUP project intends to promote and support the creation and development of innovative companies specifically in the field of green and blue economy. Small and Medium Size Companies (SME) are responsible for 85% of employment in Europe. Supporting the creation of new SMEs is thus fundamental to counteract unemployment. In ORs in particular, green and blue economy are economic sectors with strong potential for job creation and for the improvement of SME competitiveness.
In this regard, the aim of the project is thus to support the development of new innovative companies in the green and blue economy in partner regions by improving current regional policies for business creation and growth. The project activities include an interregional learning process involving staff from public authorities and representatives of relevant stakeholder groups. This learning process will result in the identification of best practices for the improvement of regional policy instruments supporting entrepreneurship and SME competitiveness and in the draft of Action Plans to be implemented in each partner region.

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Reunion Regional council - Severine Nirlo

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